Reach Out and Read - SC First Steps


Reach Out and Read

Books and information on reading books to children provided during well-child visits

Evidence Based

Trained medical clinicians use books and guidance around shared stories during well-child visits as a tool for practicing primary care to support healthy relationships between children and their caregivers and healthy childhood development.

This map only shows programs funded by 大象传媒 First Steps. For more information about services available in your area, contact your local First Steps partnership.

Who it Serves

Reach Out and Read Partners with pediatric medical providers to serve children and families through well-child visits, beginning at birth.

Ages 3-5

Families with preschool-aged children

Ages 0-3

Families with babies and toddlers

How It Works

The program is designed to be integrated into pediatric well-visits from birth through age five. Although there is no minimum length of time for the program, research shows that the longer families are involved, the more positive the effects.

2 Generation Approach

Education and support for the whole family


A focus on language and literacy development

Target Outcomes

Reach Out and Read is designed to foster intentional skill-building in parents, resilience in families, and positive bonding between children and caregivers.

Community Impact 2022


children served


families served


counties served

More Programs in Health


Nurse-Family Partnership

Home visitation for first time mothers, from pregnancy until the child turns two.


Family Connects

Strengthening bonds within families of newborns and linking them directly to supportive community resources.



Early childhood development support during pediatric well-child visits.


Early Intervention & Referral

Providing developmental screenings and referrals to other services, independent of another partnership program


Health Services Coordination

Partnering for the healthy development of young children